Naturem is a leading company in the industry with over 30 years of experience in turnkey evaporation projects for sectors such as rendering, fruit juice, waste treatment, starch-based sugar, olive waste, milk powder, whey, lactose, and alcoholic beverages.
Plate Evaporators
We are here to provide engineering services for plate type evaporators with a more compact design, high heat transfer area, more efficient heat transfer thanks to turbulent flow, and low installation and energy costs.
TVR and MVR Solutions
Reduce your steam consumption with our TVR and MVR solutions.
Leave the job to our experienced engineers with turnkey evaporator projects designed entirely according to your needs, including installation.
4 audits per year after the first installation
After installation, your system is checked and, if necessary, optimized through 4 field visits by our experienced engineer staff.
We modernize your existing evaporation unit by adding necessary equipment and automation arrangements, allowing you to track your energy consumption and losses.
Capacity Increase
We add plates for your preheater and plate type evaporators and increase the capacity of your evaporation system with necessary equipment changes.
Integrated Dryer
With Naturem’s expert engineer staff and Alfa Laval evaporators, you can fit into your existing structure and provide higher heat transfer and obtain more efficient and quality products.
Our range of Alfa Laval evaporators have a wide range of applications including sugar refining, sweeteners, bioethanol, caustic, proteins, food and beverage, starch, pharmaceuticals, and industrial wastewater treatment.
- Reduce increasing steam costs day by day by using efficient designs and reducing steam usage.
- Get a 50-75% more compact design compared to tube-type evaporators.
- Get maintenance convenience and space-saving benefits.
- Stay ahead with models that self-clean thanks to high turbulence.
- Find a solution for high solid content.